Saturday, June 18, 2011


Fridaynight was the end-of-the-year spectacle of the school. The kids showed what they've worked on in their music and dance class. We were very impressed!

The teachers have done an amazing job teaching the kids beautiful dance and yoga moves and even choreography on interesting minimalist music. It was great to see that Charlie and Lola are getting it and actively participating. Lola has amazing balance!

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Charlie and Lola are 5!!

Charlie and Lola are 5 years old! What a big lovely kids! They had a lot of friends over for their birthday party. We had cake with lovely sprinkles Roms sent us, and pizza. It's so good to see them having fun with their french schoolmates. In the mean time they just love going to school.

Lola and Charlie want to say THANK YOU to everybody that sent them nice presents!

Tuesday, June 7, 2011


Hay has been baled: 75 bales, what a lot of hay!.
It was trying to rain yesterday, but no luck...