Friday, January 20, 2012

Christmas dinner in the new kitchen

Wow, it's been a while... The days are getting longer and we still haven't even posted our christmas pictures! In the mean time winter hasn't really arrived (two days frost so far). The kids were worried that christmas would be cancelled without any snow!

Thierry, Linda, Lucia, Xavier, Pascale, Lisa and Jerome, came for christmas dinner in our new kitchen. We had loads of lovely food and two of our amazing meat chickens. This is really the best and most pleasant way to practice our french.

More recent news? The kids had lovely presents (Thank you everybody!!) and now Charlie is bigtime into lego. Rod's had surgery on his carpel tunnel and is recovering fast & well. He'll get his other wrist fixed as well because the french health system is such a nice experience :-) Milo's had his stifle locked (again) but seems to be getting a bit better. We might be getting some wwoooffers in the springtime, hoping we get some more work done in the gardens.

Anything else I need to blog about? No news is good news, I guess!