Thursday, May 9, 2013

Long time no post....

Slacking on the blogging front we are in May, warm, sunny days and a millions miles away from the cold, wet winter we seemed to endure for 6 months.. Various family have been and gone, Le Coty have left for the South and the kids seem to be on an endless holiday! I keep plugging away at the building works yet the to do list never seems to get an shorter... Our latest addition is Nina the goat, 'gifted' by Xav before he left..Nina walks with Scooter and I each morning, no lead required but has to be tethered once back as she would eat all the nicest bits in the gardens... Late start on the growing front this year, even with a polytunnel little wanted to germinate until the end of April, hopefully we shall have a better summer than last year... Anyway, here are a few photos... Lola and Charlie trying out the new pantry, Sam roped into using his climbing skills to paint the barn roof and the birthday group...