Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Friends, family, neighbours

I'd love to be one of these people that have time to write a blog entry every day. We are just zo busy with kids, work, animals, DIY & life! And lately we have been also doing lots of social stuff with lovely people visiting.

Sam is staying here for a while and is doing a great job painting, wood chopping, kite flying with the kids and of course Yummmmmy cooking! Another week and he'll be of to Asia. We'll miss him!!

Last week Hilmar and Wim and Stafe and Jules were here for a short (and chilly) holiday. It was so lovely to see them! The boys were helping with the chickens and playing with C&L like older brothers. As a family they've been trying out several daytrips in the area. Unfortuanaltely the weather wasn't really cooperating, but they felt very 'Breton-zen' when they left.

It's great to have neighbours that are dropping in for a glass or cuppa. On the photos Joelle & Lars from the cottage up the lane.

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