Tuesday, October 12, 2010

A bit sick

The flu (or was it just a cold?) has knocked us all down over the past few days. In the night we were all coughing and sneezing en gurgeling and snorting in our little marae style bedroom...

Now the kids are back to school now and seem to be ok with their runny noses, and Rod and me are well enough to chip away on the building site. The new front door is in place. Rod's taken the floor out and this week we've taken a thick layer of concrete and pizzeria style plaster of the walls. The space is starting to breath again. We're basically stripped it back to the stable it once was. You can even see where the cows were standing and lying down in the way the concrete on the floor is cracked and worn.

Now the fun bit can begin: Plastering the whole lot again...

Our little tractor Hector is sick too. Hopefully Rod will be able to fix it, but the poor thing just doesn't seem strong enough for our big land and our tough grass...

We have a little guest: Pillou, the tiny maltese dog of our crazy neighbour Joelle. That she has stolen our wallet we can sort of forgive her, but that she has left her dog (and cats) while she is going away for half a year we find absolutely disgusting. We didn't really know what to do about it until last night.

It was as he was politely waiting for our invitation, lying on the road looking this way. I called him and he came running down the road. He enjoyed a bath and a haircut (one big stinky felted woolen flea bale he was. Oops I cut his ear) and he has completely moved in. Our dogs love him, so no problems. But we weren't exactly looking for a third dog...

Lola has started to sing french songs without words, but her pronounciation is beautiful. We've done some recording today, that was a great game!

1 comment:

  1. Wow, I am so impressed! I predict that Lola has a great musical career ahead of her, and/or a linguistic one. Her pronunciation is absolutely brilliant, I agree. And her pitch is great, too. It would be great if there were ways to develop her undoubted musical abilities by her joining a children's chorus, or piano or recorder lessons or something ...
