Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Thanking the Gods....

Sitting here with a glass of red and a pack of crisps as a minor celebration of surviving my roof fall! At the end of a long day I grabbed a stud that had not been nailed and fell backwards onto the ground, amazingly not even with a sore back...by all accounts I just rolled with and jumped back onto my feet!! The various alternatives don't bear thinking about so this evening I am quietly thankful...
We are making good progress and hopefully will be ready to start slating tomorrow, we are dodging the showers etc. but all in all the weather has been kind (so far!).

The intensity and sheer hard work is quiet draining but with the goal of being able to then finish the new kitchen/kids bedroom etc. is spuring me on. I know I have said this before(!) but I am looking forward to having the house finished as the other projects are all outside and therefore do not hold the same urgency.
Needless to say alot of other things are on hold, my French lessons (:((...:))!), Huelgoat market (so I go to Carhaix on Saturday) and the other bits and bobs, however, when that last slate goes on I shall breath a sigh...

I really need to get into pruning now, the fruit trees, shrubs etc. it is so warm I think things will begin to bud. I presume we shall have more cold weather but since the new year it has been lovely.
Continue to meet lovely people, Giles, Elena and William were here for a fortnight in the farmhouse gite, I have visited the circus people down in Le Coty (to borrow a tarp) for a (bleary) evening and a few more locals, we are slowly building a network. Next week will be our first year anniversary (February 18th we arrived), feels we have achieved alot in the first year yet it will take the next to be able to remove the shanty feeling we inherited...

I will finish here as I am aware this reads like a shopping list! and I need to stick my sore fingers in a big pot of cream!


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