Friday, April 15, 2011

Lovely days

Spring has been amazingly warm and lovely so far. Lots of spring flowers and great temperature to do a lot of weeding and tidying up outside. Pony Trefine is doing great and is very sweet with the kids. With the much longer days (how did that happen so quickly?) I also have more time to do stuff with the horses.

At the moment we have my dear old friend Anita staying over. So nice after all these years to just chat (and do a little bit of weeding and walking) and have some time to catch up and to find out we have hardly changed at all. So funny my kids are now her kids age when we last saw each other, and now her oldest has already left home!

The renovations are making steady progress: The kids bedroom is all insulated and gibbed. Downstairs Rod and Simon have poored the concrete floor.

Good news: Today we saw Scooter sitting down, and standing on his leg for a few steps. Marley caught a hare today so they both had an extra special dinner to celebrate Scooter's little steps forward on the road to recovery.

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