Thursday, February 25, 2010

Emigration 2.0

There we go: From sunny, hot and dry Waitoki to wet, cold and grey Plouyé. Why oh why oh why have people been asking us. We're not really sure but it is an adventure!

We have arrived here a week ago and I must say I love the land. Our land! In the morning I wander around through our fields, over little countrylanes with hedgerows down to our very own river. There is a track that follows the river and even now in winter when the trees are bare it's a magical place. Trees, thick bouncy moss, vines, blackberries, streams.

I hear from the neighbour that on the other side of the river the tracks go on to endless horse riding tracks. I can't wait to explore!

In the mean time it is just really very cold and we are not used to it nor dressed for it properly. Spring is sometimes in the air in the afternoon when occasionally the sun comes out.

The current owners of the property, Karen and Pete, are still here in their own house. We are in one of the two gites (holiday cottages). These gites are clearly more suitable for summer holidays. Brrrr!

The trip here was boring and long but the kids were amazing. Anna dropped us of at the airport. It was hard to say goodbye to our last NZ friend...Kids were absolutely great in the plane, watching the same two movies about a 100 times...

We made a stopover in Singapore in a hotel at the airport with lovely beds and a swimmingpool. No need to leave the airport... 24 Hours later we had to wake up the kids for the second part of the trip.

Early in the morning of the 18th of February we arrived in Paris. A real big challenge to get from one end of the airport to the other with just two people carrying luguage of 4+ people plus two cold and tired kids. Some places we had to leave our trolleys behind and carry everything and everybody up the stairs, no escalator or elevator in sight. And the time was ticking for our last flight to Brest. Lola got wacked in the face by a suitcase while waiting for the bus... We had to much weight and our lovely appelstroop got confiscated by security. But we made it just in time for take of.

Our friend Anne came to pick us up, that was so good in stead of having to drive ourselves. Thanks heaps!

Wow, we are here. Pitch dark and pooring down. With little snippets of spring in the air.

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