Sunday, February 28, 2010

Some photos of house & garden

Our new place is 17ha and has three little houses and two open barns. The house with the blue door is the farmhouse where the owners Karen and Pete are still living but where we are going to move in in two weeks or so. (Picture me sitting on this bench writing this blog, as this is where I can hook up with the wifi.) The stone house with the dogs at the front door is one of the two holiday gites where we are staying at the moment.

The gardens are still in their winter state. Rod's already started digging, mulching, fertilising, trimming and clipping. First of all getting rid of that black plastic. In the background you can see our free range organic chickens.

1 comment:

  1. hi you guys!! so good you have this blog-thingey to keep us all in the loop of life én france'!!
    the houses look stunning through the eyes of a kiwi - just love the old stone and the colours etc........ plus - such a buzz to see the dogs in their new habitat!
    charlie and lola look happy as ever (if cold) - but by the time i got warm woolies in the post it'd be warming up over there:)

    life goes on in the same vein back in nz......we still have a drought going on and we had to buy water for the first time in 9 years a few days ago - at least we can!!
    we have a frenchie girl sabine staying with us as a woofer which is cool - another person to visit when we come over next year:)

    my sister rebecca is separating from her partner of 17 years which is good - its been on the cards for 17 years!! but big changes and a lot of stress for her initially.

    well.....we miss you all and send heaps of kisses over the oceans - enjoy that wine!!
    xxxx Anna
