Wednesday, August 25, 2010


The garden hasn't had as much attention and work as we'd like, but still we managed to get some good crops of potato, courgette, beetroot, tomato and one or two big pumpkins. Cooking is not my favorite thing, but cooking with my own produce I really like!

August is a great month for picking endless amounts of blackberries in the hedgerows. A very mixed pleasure to stick your arms into the very prickely maze of branches and get double stung by the blackberries BFF the stinging nettle. My hunt for blackberries has led me to hidden and overgrown places on our property I hadn't been before. It's like a jungle out there! Everything is buzzing, flowering and so alive! It's lovely and wild :-)

We're surprised by the amount of raspberries we can pick, day after day after day. And the french love their confiture framboise! Yesterday the yellow plums started to ripen. Soon the purple plums and apples will be ready.

August is usually a wet month they say. Well indeed it is pouring down and chilly. To wet for Rod to finish the work on the barn (it's already looking great) but he is doing up an old Rayburn stove and he can spraypaint it today under cover.

For me time to sit behind the computer and get ready for next holiday season. I've made a new folder, you can download it here. Please download and forward to everybody you think needs a nice Brittany holiday?

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