Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Under construction...

Apart from lots of nice visitors, looking after kids, chickens and horses, going to the market and webdesign, Rod is also doing some building projects. We already had the plan to add some windows at the back and move and raise the front door. (Not easy with 70cm thick stone walls!) Then Rom came with the suggestion of changing everything around... She's obviously watched 'Grand Designs!'...

So where the bathroom is now will eventually be the kitchen and vice versa. In stead of two staircases we'll end up with just one so we can utilise more floorspace upstairs where we'll have two bedrooms eventually (after we've replaced the roof!). Downstairs a large living/kitchen area and separately a lounge.

In the mean time also the barn is under construction. Rod's put the entrance of the barn on the more sheltered road side and built a wall to keep the weather out on the windy and rainy side. In the masterplan all will be plastered, and also a tackroom is pending...

Anyway, hopefully the bigger gaps will be closed before autumn.
Days are getting shorter!

Some more photos to give you an idea, or come over and have a look yourself one day...

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