Friday, November 26, 2010

Colds and snow

Greetings one and all...

Another month slips by as we descend into the winter depths, Thursday's market saw the first flurries of snow and today on my way to French it tried again...not enough to stay around (much to the twins dismay) but a signal that the winter has arrived and snow will happen at some stage (next Tuesday according to the forecast)...
Have met some lovely people of late, Simon, Audrey and the crew and this week Steve, Ali & wee Erin... although this is against the background of heavy colds, coughs and aches (not something I have had much in NZ)..Charlie especially has not been right for awhile...this has kept them out of school but in actual fact they have finished at Plouye (no-one knows as we are not brave enough to face Madame le Mat..!!)...There is a commonly held belief here that, as a parent you have the right to choose the school you wish your children to attend. However, in reality, I think we have to crawl, cap in hand to the Plouye Marie (he who holds all power in our the person not to piss off) and tell him of our decision and seek his blessing to move.
We shall aim for somewhere in the middle (very diplomatic!), go and see him yet be firm on what we want for the kids...quite different if we were local of course...
What with sickness and cold, dark nights the hemp rendering has slowed considerably, I am 3/4 through the second coat and so may get the last one on before Xmas...
I have decided to head over to the UK for a week in December to catch up with Sian before she heads to NZ to thaw out..she will be 21(!! amazing really) on the 11th, is in Bristol on the 15th and so I shall catch her then...
Other than that no real news as everything slows to a survival pulse, the sap is sinking and first waves of the hibernative coma are felt....perhaps we shall post again when the days lengthen!


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