Tuesday, November 30, 2010

The school issue

Mondaymorning I first rang the teacher that the kids were not coming to her school anymore. She was quite civil to me but mentioned that I cannot just change schools, that I have to talk to the maire. I already knew that this was the case if I wanted to go to the school in Locquefret, but she suggested that I had to have his permission for any school.

At midday I talked to Mr le Guern, the maire of Plouyé. He was expecting me and he said instantly that he wouldn't sign for the kids to go to Locquefret or Landelau school or any other school...

His explanation was that the local community pays for the little ones education and that they have to go to school in the local commune. Besides that, if the number of pupils drop below 50 the school will have to go back from three to two classes. I'm not sure if C&L are the two pupils that bring the total up to 52. Sometimes my french is just not good enough to get all the details.

I thought in France everybody is free to choose where they have their education, but the Maire said this is only the case for kids that go to college (11 years and older). One of he teachers in Landelau told Rod that this is not true and that we are allowed to go to their school. We know several Plouyé kids that have been to Landelau.

The maire almost begged me to try for another month, but I've just finished trying for another month. The only thing the kids say is: The teacher didn't yell at me (good days) or The teacher yelled at me today (bad days). They don't know any other french then what I've taught them and I hear that they don't speak at all in school, not in french or english.

When they hear french outside of school or see kids form their school they just want to hide their heads under my sweater. Not very handy when you live in France!

The maire told me he'd tell 'Gene' to 'watch her mouth', but I don't need her to change. She's done this for 25 years, if it works for her and french kids, great, but it doesn't mean that it works for me or my kids.

Besides from intimidating the kids, she also does it to the mothers! I know of other women she has been going of at, including me. The kids are scared of her, and I'm not to keen on het either and I can't see it getting any better….


  1. Wel een goeie manier om frans te leren spreken...

  2. I am shocked and angered by the behaviour of this teacher towards Charlie and Lola. I don't care where one lives, there is no good reason to treat children that way. It breaks my heart to think of Lola having nightmares because she is scared of making mistakes and getting yelled at. That is truly awful, and completely inappropriate teaching of a four year old, or anyone for that matter. Good on you for taking action. I hope you are able to change schools soon xx
