Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Christmas in a stone caravan...

The annual Samaritans YouGov poll of 2,000 adults found that 2010 was considered a bad year or the worst year ever by 30% of the population – a rise from 24% in 2009.
An interesting result from the UK, perhaps illustrating that 2010 has been a difficult year for certainly feels there is some truth in this for me...the silver lining of course being that 2011 maybe not so!! The soothing relief of the collective suffering is a curious thing, knowing others got caught by the dogdy chicken takeaway somehow reduces the dispair...either the pull to community or a more Freudian position of the dark forces within wanting the other sibling(s) to suffer too...

Having had a week in the UK, introducing C&L to the rigors of urban life, catching up with that lovely 21 year old before she battled her way through the masses of Heathrow (and managed to fly out! to the warmth of NZ), enjoying the latest arrival of the Davies tribe, young Saffir...a lovely happy n healthy baby...testing the in snow driving skills (very thankful for the old Landrover..especially this side early Saturday am, snow, ice, no grit (in France) and so driving on a skating rink from the port to home)...C&L were great to travel with and so all in all a great trip..

Have just finished the sand/lime render in the kitchen and so a milestone of sorts...January is the month for cutting wood out there so when dry I shall be on the end of my chainsaw and when wet beginning the floor base...aiming to replace the roof in February so I won't put a nice wooden floor in before that...

So this is Christmas...with the cold keeping much of the activity indoors the cabin fever begins to develop...adults, twins, dogs and all the associated stuff that goes with life crammed into our one room does have it's moments..certainly sufficient motivation to ensure next door will be ready for next winter!! For me, it is the lack of space, be it psychic, physical, emotional..after last week's intensity I am aware of a need for some space...A friend Duncan suggests building a cabin down by the river, not sure what the Marie will make of that!

C&L have caught on to the descent of Santa and so await with the usual anticipation for his arrival...we have people coming in the farm house gite over Christmas so a mid winter clean has happened, Heleen has put some lovely decorations above the fire so hopefully they remembered to send a redirection order to Santa...

Seeing that we are soon to be in a new year here is a tentative wish list...

* A neurological breakthrough enabling language downloads whilst sleeping..

* All Blacks to beat Australia in the RWC final...

* A new Marie for Plouyé (a nice one please!)

* Biologique certification

* A whole house!

* Being happy, healthy, wealthy & wise

* World peace (if you don't ask...)

Nadolig Llawen a'r holl bethau da i un a phob yn 2011...

Joyeux Noël et toutes les bonnes choses à toutes et à tous en 2011...

Happy Christmas and all good things to one and all in 2011...

Be thankful


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