Friday, December 17, 2010

Home alone

To celebrate Siany's 21th birthday Rod and kids have gone to the UK. I've stayed behind to (finally) get some work done, look after the animals and maybe even do something with the horses.

I must say, I had to get used to the quiet for a day or two. But overall it's been a great week, got LOADS of work done, gone completely back into my single person lifestyle for a week when it comes to housekeeping: lovely.

Without my big warm snoring bear in bed I haven't been sleeping very well. During the day I'm getting used to the cold, but I don't like a cold bed...

The ground was frozen and sometimes slippery so not really good for a ride but have gone for two really big walks with the horses. Conclusion: Milo will not become an endurance horse, I had to drag him up the hill on the way back. My old mate Harry walking in the front, ears pricked in the air, loving every minute of it, especially on the tracks where he can walk of the lead. He's still going strong at 22 and loves the wintery cold.

While Rod and C&L are boarding on the ferry home I'm going for a big shop to fill our very empty fridge. Looking very much forward to hear the little twittery voices of my lovely kiddies tomorrow and to give them long a warm snuggles.

Hope Rod will write a nice post of his adventures in Bristol. With pictures...

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