Monday, January 31, 2011

Beaucoup de travail

On the chilly but sunny last day of January we were brave enough to take the old roof of. The weather forcast is not too bad but now in the evening it's all wrapped up in plastic and canvas, so hopefully it will all stay dry underneath.

No doubt it will be great once it's finished. The old roof was made of sheets of asbestos, not insulated and not even closed at some places, so really chilly and full of animals like rats and weazels! brrrr! We're looking forward to a cozy and warm kids bedroom (and having are own bedroom!). It won't be hugely big, but snug. And ofcourse on the outside it will look much better with just slate.
We're very happy we're getting some help from Barry and are looking forward to an extra pair of hands when Simon comes.

Wish us luck!

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Freezing again

It is so cold again! A blistering easterly is blowing and my lips are cracking... We have lovely guests in the farmhouse with a 3 year old boy that brought his train set so Charlie and Lola are enjoying their day off playing with their little friend. Rod is at the market in 6 layers of clothes...

Rod has arranged to start the new roof on Tuesday. I'm a bit nervous about it. It won't be raining when it's this cold, so that's one thing less to worry about, but I can't imagine sitting on a roof when it feels like its -15...

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Poor chicken

A nice break in the winter weather has inspired us to clear a some of banks around the house. They were all overgrown with thick brambel and hawthorn and horrible prickly holly.

After cutting and weedeating we've fenced the area of to let the chickens do some more good work to the ground. Unfortunately the nestingbox fell over while moving the coop. Two instantly dead chickens. Also after their death they're made to good use. Although the next one will go in the slow cooker, she was just a bit on the tough side. Lola eats anything, but here favorite food is... bones!

Thursday, January 13, 2011

School update

Charlie had a bit of a fever on Tuesday but brave Lola decided to go to school all day, staying over for lunch and music in the afternoon. Poor Lo has been crying most of the afternoon thinking she'd stay in school forever... On the bright side she also told that the teacher have been very very very nice to her.

It's Thursday now and they're both coughing and sniffing and not feeling well. Although... since we rang school to tell them C&L will stay at home I haven't heard one cough!?

Monday, January 10, 2011

School report

A quick update... All going well at Collorec!! C&L have had their first week and seem to really like it, Lola is really keen to go full time! (the older kids seem to be quite sweet and caring of the little ones, nice thought)..Friday they stayed for lunch and I turned up to go to the pool on the bus... all the little ones chatting away and me just smiling and nodding, they probably went home and spoke of this curious chap on the bus who did not say anything!! Tuesdays is music/drama so this will be another full day, so two mornings and to full days sound like a good start for all of us.

The teacher wants me to take a water test next Friday so I can get in the water to help...could be hilarious, she knows my French is very limited, jumping in the deep end..LOL..

A big relief for Heleen and I, we shall have to pray the Marie is not too vengeful!

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

2011...Here's hoping!

I imagine this is typical Brittany weather, about 10 degrees, light around 9am and very wet! Infact, this reminds me of West Wales, all those camping holidays..driving there, putting up the tent, sitting there and packing up in the rain (that and camp coffee and smash..boy what fond memories!!)

The great news for 2011 is that Charlie and Lola have started in Collorec school and so far love it...the teacher does not shout and they seem to do more age appropriate activities and less of the rigid, 'in the lines' stuff...phew...a big relief for all around as the cabin fever was building fast.

Have found my old mate Simon and he is heading up here in a month or so, it will be great to see him as well as being perfect timing as I am aiming to rip the roof off then and who better to have here than the old roofer himself. No doubt there will be a few roof shouts along the way. I have stripped the old plaster board and rat shit filled insulation of the old roof so we shall get stuck in very soon...

Chickens are still laying around 40 eggs a day so the markets are still a must each week, bleak afairs in such weather yet the people do still venture out, especially in Carhaix where I could often sell many more if I had them.

I am ready for the bees having found a space far enough away from the chemical farming neighbours yet not too close to be hassled or hassling. I shall go over to Duncan's this week to pick them up and beginning the lessons! I often get asked if I have Honey on the market so I do think it will sell well, I don't know if will come under our organic certification (when we get it!) is never that clear here.

January is the month for cutting firewood for the next few winters, I have started already by coppicing various woods by the river and dropping a few trees that were on their way out. I reckon I shall be able to have at least two years worth by tidying up the hedgrows and thinning out some coppice clumps. There are some old oak trees overhanging the big barn and I need to trim the boughs that are damaging the roof, a helicopter would be handy but I think I shall use Simon instead!

Ah well, I shall sign off and make some biscuits for the kids in between batches of jam (Casis and Frambois) for the market tomorrow...