Monday, January 10, 2011

School report

A quick update... All going well at Collorec!! C&L have had their first week and seem to really like it, Lola is really keen to go full time! (the older kids seem to be quite sweet and caring of the little ones, nice thought)..Friday they stayed for lunch and I turned up to go to the pool on the bus... all the little ones chatting away and me just smiling and nodding, they probably went home and spoke of this curious chap on the bus who did not say anything!! Tuesdays is music/drama so this will be another full day, so two mornings and to full days sound like a good start for all of us.

The teacher wants me to take a water test next Friday so I can get in the water to help...could be hilarious, she knows my French is very limited, jumping in the deep end..LOL..

A big relief for Heleen and I, we shall have to pray the Marie is not too vengeful!

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