Monday, January 31, 2011

Beaucoup de travail

On the chilly but sunny last day of January we were brave enough to take the old roof of. The weather forcast is not too bad but now in the evening it's all wrapped up in plastic and canvas, so hopefully it will all stay dry underneath.

No doubt it will be great once it's finished. The old roof was made of sheets of asbestos, not insulated and not even closed at some places, so really chilly and full of animals like rats and weazels! brrrr! We're looking forward to a cozy and warm kids bedroom (and having are own bedroom!). It won't be hugely big, but snug. And ofcourse on the outside it will look much better with just slate.
We're very happy we're getting some help from Barry and are looking forward to an extra pair of hands when Simon comes.

Wish us luck!

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