Wednesday, March 3, 2010

No turning back :-)

Well, we've signed for the farm! So no turning back...

It still feels a bit strange being here. It's a mix of familiar and yet foreign. The winter sensations, the cold, the disidious trees, the smell of woodfires. New roads, new shops, finding our way around..

I sometimes feel a little bit in limbo without my usual daily occupations like working, horses and just getting around. I can't really work without a proper internet connection, screen and workplace. As I'm typing this I am actually sitting in the window sill to catch the wifi connection of the previous owners! It will all change once they have moved out and we can move into the farmhouse. The 18th of March our container is expected in le Havre. Once we have all our things I expect we'll be able to settle in a bit more.

Horses are coming next week. I'm a bit nervous about it, but once they are here in one piece I'll be really happy. Today we are going to have a look where and how to set up some stables. There are three stables here but they are a bit dark and damp and don't have a view. And if you know Harry, he definitely needs a view! We can keep the other stables for our future house cow and pigs...

The Landrover we have bought with the property doesn't have a backseat so we can't all go out because the kid's carseats have nothing to get attached to. This problem will hopefully be sorted out next week when our 'new' Volvo V40 station will arrive.

Moving generates a lot of paperwork!
- 100's of pages of contract to plough through at the notaire
- Paperwork regarding inheritance stuff we chose not to sign in the end because it was made clear to us that would leave Sam and Sian with absolutely nothing!
- All the rabies and import docs for docs and cats
- Endless lists of stuff in the container
- Letter to proove our no claim status
- Forms to revive my dutch driver's licence
- Forms to get two cars on to our name: A Landrover and a Volvo
and so forth.

Good fun though.

1 comment:

  1. Dear Heleen and Rod,
    Well the place looks great, the vegetable garden, the houses. Nice to read your blog. Well at our place we just started with our vegetable garden, the first cabbage plants, but it still a little bit to cold.
    We hope to see you this year, then we come to France in our Volvo V70 station, best car to move around with twins and dogs, with Vigo and Tijmen and our dog Ella. Enjoy your new home, and our European weather, love from the South of Holland, Eleonoor
