Monday, April 12, 2010

A blur...

The days seem to be over in a blink with few ideas actualised and a growing list of things needing attention...

The sap is rising in the trees and so not a great time to be looking for next winter's fire wood. However, having tasted the end of the last one we need a big pile. So Hector's first job has been chugging down to the river to collect logs, I just hope they dry out by October. Great to have an old tractor to drive again, the Massey 35 was a 1950s model and H is 1965 so I feel that is a significant upgrade (plus he has a front bucket, very handy!)

Also getting to grips with the French car systems, we own two Landrovers and so they need to be in our names etc. Not as straight forward as I have been used to in NZ. Here a vehicle has a contrôle technique (WOF/MOT) every two years (€70), this must be new when sold. Then you take the papers to the nearest Carte gris office and depending on the age of the vehicle you pay to have the papers changed to your name (the Landrovers cost €180 each, 14 years old)...then(!) on top of this you have to buy new number plates (€20 each)... begin to see why cars are so expensive, as with most things there are all the extra costs to feed the government...

I got caught today in the wonderful midday shuffle, out with the kids picking up various bits, called into a nursery to buy some plants yet by the time I had got what I wanted (and dealt with the woman's incredulity of moving here from NZ!) I arrived at the farm shop at with most places in France they had shut for their two hour lunch... it just sneaks up on you, especially since summer time has kicked in..

Anyhow, I bought a walnut tree and planted with one of the roses from my Dad's funeral so in 4 or 5 years time we can eat the nuts off John Davies's tree...

Have started a second market, Saturday mornings in Carhaix, bigger than Huelgoat and my first weeks sales were double of Thursday which is just as well being the new chickens are cranking! In fact the old girls are looking much better since we changed their food and feed them twice a day, not surprisingly!

Next task is to repaint and modify the white gite, poor old house feels bereft of any input for years. We do not have enough time o do what I feel it needs but I shall knock a couple of walls out down stairs, paint upstairs and look at replacing windows etc. after the summer.

Charlie and Lola continue to enjoy life, perhaps oblivious to the work ahead! They are off to school next Monday, Lola already keen but when Charlie heard he can not have wee outside he is not so keen. I am off to 'school' too next Friday to push along my stunted French...

Alors, life in Brittany continues, I miss some of the folk in NZ, the access to cheap timber and the ease of conversation (especially in shops), however, once we get the place looking half decent and have had a couple of guests I am sure we shall feel more settled(?!).

One of the things that already makes us feel at home is a fair amount of lovely people (Hilke, Roger, Thomas, Robbie, Fiona, Toby, Sue, Joelle ... just to name a few) just casually calling in for a cuppa or a wine. One of these nice things that make the days even go by faster...

à bientôt


  1. Hiya,

    Anybody can comment now - no identification or log in needed...

  2. Good to hear all of that , apart from eggs what else are you seling at the markets ?
    Eileen and I have just been on a bit of a road trip stayed at Taupo Gisborne Opotiki and Rotorua, it was great to get away ! Very dry Autum here, I have been a week without a Hardware Latte but will atend to that shortly !
    Love and Magic
