Thursday, April 8, 2010

Harry, Milo & me

It's been a while since our last post. In the mean time Harry and Milo have been settling in just fine. Harry's cough is gone and he's putting on some weight. Both boys seem amazingly settled and comfi.

The first morning when I put Harry out He had an amazing expression on his face. Can a horse look pleasantly surprised? He seemed to recognise something. The smells of spring? The dicidious trees? Europe? I don't know but he seems to like it here.

Harry loves to come in at night and sleep on thick straw. Milo just loves it anywhere where there is lots to eat...

They are absolutely inseparable at the moment so when I go in the arena with one horse (to work a bit more on the basics of classic dressage!), the other one has to come in the field next to the arena. In time I hope this will get a bit better.

Although them being inseparable has its benefits too: I can go for walks on the land just leading Milo and Harry follows of the lead, grazing and then galloping to catch up. He is enjoying his freedom with a huge smile on his face.

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