Sunday, April 18, 2010


Just a few weeks ago we were sleeping under two duvets with our pyjamas on and I was wearing three jumpers on top of each other. Now, just as the horses managed to quickly grow a winter coat, all of a sudden spring has sprung! It's lovely.

I notice there are things I didn't realise I was missing in NZ till now I have them back again: Quiet, long springtime evenings, long dusks and dawns, the millions of little flowers everywhere, the dicidious trees, familiar bird sounds. I feel good here.

Cats, dogs and horses are all looking good.

The cats hardly need any food at the moment because of the abundance of mice and moles they are chomping away at.

The dogs have been very obedient this week, apart from this morning. We wanted to go out for a drive to the coast but they decided to go of for a little adventure together that lasted for more than 3 hours. Dogs had a great day out. We didn't go anywhere... They are grounded until we have an electric boundary collar for Scooter.

Horses... Milo has always been able to stay on his own without to much fuss. Now he has somehow taken over Harry's separation anxiety and both horses are running around whinnying themselves hoarse when I take the other one out for a ride or play... Good for Milo's weight, but not really helpful when you want to do some training. Next project will be weaning them of each other of again. Won't be too easy!

Today trimmed Fiona's horses' feet. Her old little horse is 36! I think their feet will do great after a few trims. I'm getting a bit faster/handier at it too.

The farmer next door (who has two Breton mares that are about to have their foals) was very impressed with Milo's feet. A lot of people have probably never seen healthy looking horse feet! I hope I can help spread the barefoot revolution also here in France, I've seen already quite a few horses that would benefit from a different approach in hoofcare.

1 comment:

  1. Here i am hoping that commenting as anonymous works out. I have blackadders but have deleted your address.
    poor little moles i thought! our catties bring in crickets and chase them around. I have such positive literary associations to both moles and crickets; oh well!
    it all sounds pretty good and -so far- no obviously obnoxious national party supporters?
