Monday, June 14, 2010

Happy Birthday Charlie & Lola!

Charlie & Lola are 4 today! Their opa Karel and Granny Auriol have given them a trampoline! And there were many little presents and a new dress for Lola (She's very happy to work it a bit in front of the camera!). C&L brought sweets to school to share with the other kids, but they didn't sing happy birthday. Or joyeux anniversaire. Weird.

We haven't got a clue what's going on in school, but it must be quite effective. I guess before summer holidays start (in 3 weeks) Lola will be probably writing... Not sure in french or english...

On days like today I miss their oma Hannie very much.

On Sunday we had a little family outing to Concarneau, a beautiful little seaside town with a quai and a port and a bastion. We had lovely icecream, a picnic in the sun on the steps of a building and a ride on a caroussel. Silly mum forgot the camera!

We were all very tired when we came home.

1 comment:

  1. oohhh - we miss you down under...:((((
    and esp seeing C and L growing and changing -
    heleen - did you get my latest email and hoards of photos??????
    xxxxxxxxxx Anna
