Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Sian, Mabli and Auriol :-)

Last week Sian, Mabli and Auriol were staying here and it was great to have them. Charlie and Lola loved every minute of it: drawing, reading, hair platting, nail polishing, baking and going for drives...

In the mean time normal life continues: The white gite is coming together, the chickens are laying (sort of), the grass is growing. Most days it's summery and sometimes really hot, time to fill the bucket baths! The horses are huffing and puffing in their winter coat... It gets dark very late at night (11pm), so I get the chance to ride both horses quite a bit. Milo is doing very well in the arena. He has a new saddle, we've been cantering and we're almost ready for a first ride out on the road.

Rod and me are gathering more and more information about becoming certified organic. Rod has set the process in motion to become an auto-entrepreneur (self-employed) and applied for a license to sell stuff on the market. French bureaucracy is extensive but so far I haven't got the feeling it is suffocating. People have been very helpful so far and even rang me to ask if I need any help filling in very incomprehensible french forms. Oui merci!

A few more pictures...

1 comment:

  1. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
    family fun - you all lokk like you're thriving
    xx oo
