Monday, June 28, 2010

Just buggered!!

We are still here yet there seems so little time to sit and write at the moment...long, hot days and so all those essential jobs line up for attention..

I have been busy getting ready for another batch of chickens, today I bought 19 Light Sussex, point of lay...I have decided to focus on the pure breeds and pull away from the hybrids from now on. Seems more of a natural position and the pure breeds tend to last longer. I shall post a picture of them, 2000 year old breed developed by the Romans I think, some what appropriate being the Roman were living here (awhile ago now!)...

Starting to pick the fruits, strawberry, black&red currant, rasberries & gooseberries are almost there...have been spraying all the beds with seaweed tea and have turned the first compost heap in addition to applying biodynamic applications 502-507 in the heap. I have also bought enough BD500 to cover 10 hectares, doing this by hand (bucket and dust pan brush to be precise) will be a meditation in itself..

Gearing up in my mind to tackle the roof and bedrooms etc. (I think it usually takes me a couple of months before I am ready to pick up the hammer!)

Next guests arrive on Saturday, our first ones are here until Friday...they have been lovely to have, quiet, friendly and enjoying their holiday...thank you Caroline and Pam!

C&L are due to finish school this week until September 1st, sounds along way off! They are happy kids although the long nights tend to mean they don't get to sleep until late...I am sure they (we) will hardly get out of bed come winter...bbbrrrrrrr

Okay, I must sign off and lock up the chickens, the young ones will probably need putting on the roost, if I were to leave them I wonder if they would eventually!?


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