Thursday, June 17, 2010

Hay biologique

Yesterday a big tractor came to cut the hay. Over the next few days we are expecting nice sunny and windy weather. Contractors will come and shake it and rake it and bale it into 400kg(!) bales. No more romantic & sweaty bale stacking with the whole family; one guy in a shiny John Deere can do 12+ha all by himself.

Haymaking these days doesn't make you sweat or itchy anymore, but lucky me this time it doesn't take any organising or money or knowhow or storage either: Yves & Veronique, a lovely couple we know form the market are organising it and are taking the hay for their organic dairy cows. A man from Ecocert declared the pasture biological by looking at the diversity of the grasses... And I get to keep hay for the horses. Now we just have to clear some dry storage space in our very leaky sheds...

Well, just in time before the big cut some shots of the biodiversity :-) I've pulled out some ragworth and won't touch the hay from the top field with the digitalis. They do make a nice picture though.

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