Saturday, March 20, 2010

Almost mobile...

Our first experience of ebay and our hope of a car! We contacted a chap selling a Peugeot 405 break (station wagon), based in Belgium yet willing to deliver for the cost of the fuel etc. Having checked out the specs and double checked all was in order he agreed to drive the 800km to us at which stage we would pay him €2000... with much anticipation he arrived this afternoon and after a coffee we had a look at the car only to find the entire back seat was floating, no attachments at all and therefore pretty useless...

To cut a rather sad story short, we sent him back to Belgium with his car... we felt hugely guilty to think he has driven 1600km yet proud our feeling bad did not translate into buying a car that clearly was not what we are looking for...


1 comment:

  1. shit!!! what a bugger.............what was he thinking??!!

    are the kids at school? are they enjoying it? how's the french coming along......sorry for the bombardment of questions!

    not a lot to report here - we STILL have a drought - it is supposed to rain today but hasn't so far....
    nicole leaves in 1 1/2 weeks and i have enrolled the girls at silverdale kindy so they will have p/c 2 days and kindy 2 days - every morning they want to know 'where are we going today?" and i think they are ready for a bit more stimulation - they also love staying home too (and now they have their own huge sandpit and slide etc)

    thinking of you all xx oo xx anna
