Thursday, March 4, 2010

Reality bites...

First market at Huelgoat, bitterly cold Northerly wind that is able to bite in spite of the layers of warm clothing… strange yet I cannot help but think of those poor buggers in the trenches exposed to this weather, seemingly endless cold I suspect…

Anyhow, what I got exposed to today is my painful lack of French! It is so embarrassing not being able to answer what I suspect is a simple question and also creates a sense of aloneness/isolation (as well as huge motivation!) …certainly gives me a greater empathy for those non-english speaking immigrants in NZ I often dismissed in frustration (karma hey!)

So, much work to be done on the language front… we sold about 4-5 dozen eggs as well as swapping a dozen for 5 litres of organic milk before retiring to the cafe for a beer and to thaw out… once again the people I met are mostly very welcoming and helpful… some seem to have heard that I used to be a psychotherapist and are keen to discuss various family members/relationships! A couple of times these conversations have lead to the person having quite a revelation re their issue(s) which is quite satisfying on such a casual basis… perhaps I had better work out my tariff…a bag of flour maybe…

The market experience has given me some ideas for improvement, adding some items etc. It will not be the creator of mass wealth yet I feel it will be a fantastic way into both the language and local community…

As with most things here all finishes at 12pm (12-2pm most things close… I think it is a nice way of slowing down) and so back to the ranch, the afternoon spent mulching the fruit bushes with my two trusty helpers Charlie and Lola… who seem to be finding it very difficult knowing when to stop mucking about and start dreaming…

A week today we shall finally have the place to ourselves, it feels like it has been a long handover and I think we are all ready to reclaim our lives. So, I shall finish off and pick up my French book... yeah right!!

1 comment:

  1. Hey guys! Finally we write. I'm loving reading your blog so far. What an adventure! The houses and the garden look fantastic. So very european and so very missed here in NZ! The stone houses I mean...
    Good to hear that the first half of animal farm have arrived ok, dispite the breakdown of the rover... I'm really looking forward to reading how you guys are getting on. You'll do great! And spring is on its way, so don't worry. You'll be enjoying the sun and the flowers in no-time! Meantime, Auckland is still dry as. Not a lot of rain, grass not growing. But with a bit of luck 3 pregnant mares. Which means 2 new foals for us next year and one for one of our clients. I'm listening to Pat Parelli and have started my training of Malbec.... see how we go! I'll keep you posted. Marjolein & Kyle
