Friday, March 19, 2010

A fond farewell..

Admidst all this settling in I had the sad news yesterday that lovely my Dad had died in the night at the grand age of 88… A relief in many ways for him as this year and over the last couple he had become increasingly confused and therefore frustrated with life.

He was a lovely man with a big heart, in fact it would be fair to describe him as selfless (in some ways to his detriment). As with many of his age he was a very different human being than us today, hugely appreciative of what many of us take as a given… warm food, housing and a bed to sleep in. Quick to offer this to others and loved nothing more than a big shared meal with plenty of people, laughter and wine…

It will take sometime for me to adjust to his absence, curious being that I have largely been away in NZ the last 25 years yet it is the knowing he was there that created the reassurance…

So I shall plant a tree for him here, he would like that being this is Brittany and home of the same line of Celts as us. I shall post a photo of him as soon as I can find one! but until then I shall raise a glass and say a fond farewell to an old warrior… JSD esq

1 comment:

  1. so sorry to hear that Rod - and a shame you didn't get to see him but he sounds like a lovely man ( like father like son)
    xx anna
