Monday, March 8, 2010

Almost there...

The lesson of patience! Into the final countdown of the handover as the old owners get ready to move out on Thursday..a long transition in hindsight and coupled with the personalities it has become increasingly tense…(feels alot like work!!)

So, the practice of patience and boundaries has been the order of the day and so we shall breath a sigh of relief come Thursday..

In the meantime we are filling in the time walking the dogs, fiddling around in the gardens and keeping warm! The days are certainly getting longer and the clear blue skies are lovely… One plus of the cold is not needing to wash so often! Yeah I know, starting to slip right back in time but it's true (I guess without visitors we can't really be sure!!

On the car front it looks like our Volvo may have fallen through as the chap is not ready to sell so plan B is to look for something local… Heleen is keen to buy one as her three main pursuits, horses, internet and driving are all in short supply…

I need to work out a way of being able to watch the rugby later on, not sure who or how but it would be nice to see the tri-nations action…

Apologies really for a surprisingly uninteresting post yet perhaps reflective of the holding pattern here… shall endeavour to supply more engaging insights soon!!

1 comment:

  1. Hi
    ah i think i've worked out how to comment. Lovely pictures and a racy read overall. An empty house waiting to be filled; container not too far away? horses 2? weeks.
    I felt really glad that you are finding a welcome at market and just generally.
