Saturday, March 6, 2010


1 comment:

  1. wow - great to see more photos and hear about your daily life over there.......we miss you and those 2 cuties!! Are they quite settled? they look as happy as larry:)
    we have a drought over here - and we've bought water and will have to again as our tank is so small..............autumn has begun with colder nights and crisper days but still hot.
    andy has played 2 gigs the past weekends which were great - and he has another on waiheke in a fortnight.
    we still have our french woofer here and there is a lot of building beds going on but no planting as no water....! still, the place is looking way better and i now have 4 big vege beds to grow staple crops in - yay!
    sounds like the market will be a great place for you to really connect and speak french and make friends........if you didn't have that, you'd be way more isolated eh?
    it'll be amazing when you move into your house - and like x'mas when all your stuff arrives - hope the horses are ok heleen - they'll be very very happy to see you:)
    oh well - back to work
    love love to all xxxxxxxxxxx oooooooooo Anna
