Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Yumm paperwork!

So far we've managed to buy a place, organise a bank account and today to sort out all sorts of insurances for the house, the gites, car and the market stall. The more I listen to the mega fast French the more words I seem to recognise but finally the essence of the story is not always 100% clear.

Next challenge will be getting the car on our name by first getting a warrant, then going somewhere with the paperwork to get a carte gris. By doing all these things you really learn to find your way around, and you get to know helpful people and useful places. And of course heaps new words!

Next project will be signing up for residence or something like that. I haven't got a clue where to start... Starting a business, getting a tax number and social security. We are now covered by a travel insurance, but in a few weeks time I'd like to feel covered by the state, the community if possible.

Maybe we'll learn more on Thursday when we drop by to say hello in the local school. I can't imagine the kids could just go there without filling in any forms. The french love their paperwork, preferably in threefold!

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