Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Comme çi, comme ça

A week of poking and prodding has delivered mixed results…

We had a couple of local builders have a quick look at the houses with an idea of some improvements, finishing etc. The first glimpse of their despair was the shaking of heads and quiet smiles, oh! It would appear that some of what they built will simply need to be redone and other things properly finished...

The good news!? The support we have received from the local people, very welcoming… Some with similar tales of having fallen out with the old owner usually over money/resource. The whole thing is a shame as I had really hoped we would have an ongoing relationship so they could call in on their way up etc.

Anyhow, time to let go of all that and begin the rebuild… I reckon we are looking at a five yer plan to get this place working as we would like. The gites need a lot of work to be up to a standard that I will feel happy to let. If we had the money we would gut the house and start again (inside) but I think we shall focus on one half at a time. Materials in France are hugely expensive and so a few trips to the UK over the summer may be just the ticket. In fact, most goods here are in general twice the price than NZ, if I had known I would have ordered a bigger container and filled it up! One of the exceptions being wine, at 2-3 euros a bottle it softens the blow perhaps.

Talking of containers, ours arrives in port tomorrow (hopefully) and so we should see it next week…YAH!! It's been a long couple of months in the same clothes… Our new car arrives on Saturday so we shall be mobile, the sun has shone for the last few days and the days are certainly longer so all in all things have improved 10 fold from a week or so ago…

One of the builders is also into chickens and so had a look at our flock, another shake of the head! he felt a lot are too old and there should have been replacements coming through now. So as soon as we get the car we are off to the market on Monday to buy some new point of lays and hope the transition is not to long…

Time to get these kids in the shower and sort out the eggs for the market tomorrow. Inspite of all the difficulties we are very happy with our adventure and feel with some hard work, money and time this place will be what it deserves..

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